The new sci-fi miniseries Earth Abides brings the classic novel by George R. Stewart to life, immersing viewers in a world changed by a worldwide plague. This six-episode limited series stars Alexander Ludwig and Jessica Frances Dukes and takes place in beautiful places that make the post-apocalyptic setting very interesting. Take a closer look at the places where this interesting show was filmed.
Greater Vancouver: An Open Background
The producers chose British Columbia, more specifically Greater Vancouver, to make the destroyed landscapes of Berkeley and San Francisco look like they did in the movie. Main filming took place from April 8 to June 2024, taking full advantage of the area’s wide range of landscapes.
The North Vancouver Cleveland Dam
Cleveland Dam in North Vancouver is one of the important places. Alexander Ludwig talked about how excited he was to be filming here, mentioning how close it was to his high school and how important it is to him personally. The dramatic natural beauty of this site makes for a hauntingly beautiful background for important scenes.
Cloverdale, Surrey
It looked like the ruins of Berkeley, California were moved into the middle of Cloverdale, Surrey. The production team carefully changed 176th Street by adding fake business signs, rough vehicles, and streets full of trash. They even brought in a buffalo named Stanley to make the setting feel more real. Cloverdale’s flexible architecture helped show what it was like to live in a society that was falling apart.
David Lam Park and More
David Lam Park and other nearby places were also used to show what happened after the terrible plague. The urban landscapes of the area were perfect for making the empty, scary setting needed for the series.
Ludwig had a very personal connection to the places in Vancouver. He talked about how his high school helped him with his acting career, which made the chance to film so close to home even more special. In an emotional social media post, he told his fans to follow their dreams by talking about how he went from being a local student to being the star of a major TV show that was filmed just minutes from his old school.
People have said that director Todd Komarnicki and the production team did a great job of showing how different Vancouver’s locations are by showing how starkly different the beauty of nature and the fall of civilization are. The series’ carefully chosen settings really bring out its themes of survival, unity, and hope.
For more detailed recaps and TV insights, visit
Earth Abides Episode 1 Recap — “Alone”
Earth Abides Episode 2 Recap: “The Space Between”